
You're welcome to download the SB-Assembler package here. It's completely free!
You may use the SB-Assembler without restrictions, at no costs. You don't have to pay for the SB-Assembler in any way. But as always: you may not sell the SB-Assembler as being your own. I believe I don't have to mention all the legal stuff here. Common sense should tell you what you may and may not do with MY program.

The SB-Assembler comes in a ZIPped package in two flavours, Version 2 (obsolete) and Version 3. Read the easy to use installation guide to find out how to set-up your system.

You are kindly requested to send me an e-mail if you really intend to use the SB-Assembler for your projects. Please tell me something about yourself, your projects and your choice of micro processor if you like. It's good to know for me that all the work I've spent on writing the user manual has not been in vain. I could even paste a copy of your mail on to this page as a reference to others if you like!

Bug reports are also very much appreciated. The release of bug fixes depends on the seriousness of the reported bugs and the amount of time I can spare to fix them. Please read the known bugs page to see if your bug has already been reported or fixed. I will always have the latest release of the SB-Assembler and all Cross-Overlays here on my web site.

As an alternative you can also download the entire package from my Github page. The version on Github may sometimes be a bit newer as small bugfixes are released there first.

Download Version 3

Download Version 3.03.10

Version 3.03.10 is the latest officially released version of this multi platform version of my SB-Assembler family. It will run on Linux, Mac and Windows.

You will get the file, which is 9,453,119 bytes long. The file was last updated on 1 May 2024 and contains all the latest cross overlays and header files.

Please read the installation guide in order to learn how to install it on the different platforms.

Download Version 2

Download Version 2.07

Version 2.07 is the very last version to be released from the now obsolete Version 2 SB-Assembler family. Remember, it will only run on Microsoft systems and is no longer maintained by me.
However if you're happy with this version, feel free to use it, there's nothing wrong with it. You can download it by clicking on the icon to the left.

You will get the file, which is 114,929 bytes long.