.SM     Select Memory


        .SM  code | ram | eeprom

See also:

.BS   .DU   .ED   .EP   .NO   .OR   .PH   .TA  


Version 3 of the SB-Assembler allows you to split memory into 3 major segments. Per default you are using CODE memory, just like version 2 would have known it. However now you can also select RAM or EEPROM memory.
Both CODE and EEPROM memory can have a target file open simultaneously. This allows you to write a piece of code to CODE memory, switch to EEPROM memory and declare some pre-set values there, and switch back to CODE memory to continue there with your program. You can switch back and forth between CODE, EEPROM and RAM memory as often as you want during an assembly run. In the end you will have two target files, one containing the CODE memory and another one with EEPROM memory data in it.
The RAM memory segment can't save any data. It is only intended to assign memory locations in a convenient way, without the need of the error prone .DU mode.

Boundary Sync:

In Version 3 of the SB-Assembler this directive will perform a boundary sync.


A total of 3 different memory segments are supported as of version 3 of the SB-Assembler.

  • CODE memory is the default segment and is intended to write program code to (just as version 2 of the SB-Assembler would have done it). CODE memory has its own address space and target file (or files). Some processors write more than one byte per instruction to the target file. This implies that the target address can grow faster than the program pointer.
  • EEPROM memory is intended for data which has to be written to EEPROM memory. It may only contain data. No program instructions are allowed in EEPROM memory. It has its own address space and target file (or files). EEPROM memory is always byte sized, which means that the program counter is always in sync with the target address.
  • RAM memory is intended for memory definitions. No data can be saved in the RAM segment! It has its own address space, but since no data can be written a target file is not allowed.

Each of the 3 memory segments has its own address space. This means that you can setup 3 different .OR addresses, one for each memory segment. Now you can switch back and forth between these three memory segments as often as you want. Declare some RAM, write some code, declare some more RAM, save some pre-set values to EEPROM memory, write some more code, declare some memory space to EEPROM memory, etc, etc.

A line containing the .SM directive must have an empty label field. An error is reported if the label field is not empty.

Please note that you can not write CODE memory and EEPROM memory to the same target file. If you use CODE and EEPROM segments you will always have to use (at least) 2 different target files.


The following piece of code demonstrates the use of memory segments. First a piece of RAM memory is defined. RAM starts at $8000 here and 2 labels are defined in RAM space, the first one spanning 2 bytes, the second one only one byte. You don't have to, or better yet, you can't open a target file while in the RAM memory segment.
Then we switch to EEPROM memory. A new target file is opened and the starting address and the target address of the EEPROM memory is defined. Then some values are saved to the EEPROM target file.
Code memory is next in line. A new target file is opened, while the EEPROM target file is still open but not accessible at this moment. And a new starting address for CODE memory is defined. Then we start our code, which is written to the CODE target file.
Then we switch back to the EEPROM memory segment, which makes the EEPROM address space and the EEPROM target file active again. Some more data bytes are written to the EEPROM target file, a block of memory is declared without writing data to it, and some more data is written.
After that the RAM memory segment is selected again, using RAM address space and no target files now. A few more bytes are assigned in RAM space here.
And finally we switch to CODE memory again. From here we use the CODE memory address space and target file again.

You can switch back and forth between the different segments as often as you want. And each time the appropriate address space and target file is automatically selected.

        .SM     RAM
        .OR     $8000
POINTER .BS     2       Declare a 2 byte pointer in RAM
COUNTER .BS     1       Declare a 1 byte counter in RAM

        .SM     EEPROM
        .TF     EEPROMFILE.HEX,INT Write EEPROM data here
        .OR     $1000   Begin of EEPROM memory
        .TA     $0000   Write data from address $0000
IP_ADDR .DA     #192,#168,#1,#200   Set default IP address
IP_MASK .DA     #255,#255,#255,#0   Set default net mask

        .SM     CODE
        .TF     CODEFILE.HEX,INT Write Code data here
        .OR     $0000   Begin of Code memory
RESET   JMP     INIT    Get the system started
NMI     JMP     DO_NMI  Handle non maskable interrupts
        RET             End of some code

        .SM     EEPROM  Write some more data to EEPROM
SERVER  .AZ     /www.sbprojects.net/
NV_BUF  .BS     40      Reserve a 40 byte block of memory
URL     .AZ     \www.sbprojects.net/sbasm\

        .SM     RAM     Define some more RAM bytes
BUFFER  .BS     40      Reserve a 40 byte block of memory
BUFPNTR .BS     1       Reserve 1 byte buffer pointer

        .SM     CODE    Continue code memory
INIT    NOP             Get the system started
        RET             End of some code