SDA5708-24 Display

More than two decades ago Nokia created their first digital satellite receivers. People were willing to pay handsomely for those machines back then. That's why Nokia could afford to put a relatively expensive display in their DVB-9200, DVB-9500 and DVB-9600 receivers.

The Siemens SDA5708-24 display is a beautiful 8 character 7x5 dot matrix LED display with bright green light. Its serial interface can control every individual LED of the display, which allows any desirable dot pattern to be displayed.
Needless to say that this is quite a nice display to be used in many a hobby project. If only you know how to control it........
Well, here is the description.


SDA5708-24 Connector
SDA5708-24 Rear view (not to any scale)

Pin 1. Vcc

Pin 1 is connected to the Vcc supply (+5V).

Pin 2. Load

The Load pin is an active low input used to enable data transfer into the display. When Load is low, data is clocked into the 8 bit serial data register. When Load goes high, the contents of the 8 bit serial data register are evaluated by the display controller.
While Load remains high the Data and SDCLK pins may be used to control other serial devices on the same bus.

Pin 3. Data

The Data pin holds the bits to be clocked into the serial data register whenever the SDCLK line goes high. The least significant bit D0 is loaded first.

Pin 4. SDCLK

SDCLK is the serial clock line. Data is accepted by the display's serial data register when the SDCLK line goes high. The Load pin must be low for the serial data register to accept any data.
The minimum clock period is 200ns. Setup time, the time between a stable Data line and a rising SDCLK signal, should be a minimum of 50ns.

Pin 5. Reset

When the Reset pin is held low, the display will be reset. The multiplex counter, the address register, the control word and the display bit patterns are all cleared. This means that the display will be blank and the display is set to 100% brightness and maximum peak current.
During normal operation the Reset pin is only made low for a short period when power is applied to the circuit and is left at high level from then on.

Pin 6. GND

This is simply the ground connection.

Typical waveform of serial input signals

PS: For what it's worth, the connector to be used to plug into the back of the display is a Molex type 51065-0600. The complete wire should be known as Molex part number SM1277.

Register Structure

The SDA5708 is controlled by sending a series of bytes to it. All these bytes are written in registers. Three different types of registers are defined:

  • Control register.
  • Address register.
  • Column data register.

Control Register

Control Register
The Control register is used to set general display properties. The Control register is addressed whenever the two most significant bits of a byte are both "1".

Writing a "0" to D5 will erase the entire display at once. You'll have to write "1" to D5 in order to use the display normally.

The bits D4 to D0 control the brightness of the LEDs. It is best to experiment with the possible settings to get the result you like best.

Address Register

Digit numbering
The Address register selects one of the 8 digits to be written to. After writing a value to the Address register all subsequent Column Data is written to that particular digit.
Writing to the Address register also resets the Column Data pointer (see below).

The Address register is selected whenever D7 and D5 of the byte are "1" and D6 is "0".

Address register

Column Data Register

Digit layout The Column Data register is used to write the actual bit patterns to the display RAM. Writing starts at the top row of the digit (after writing to the Address register). The whole digit is transferred by writing 7 bytes to the Column Data register.

The Column Data register is selected by leaving the three most significant bits of the byte "0". All other bits are treated as bit pattern for a single display row as indicated by the diagram on the left.

Example Program

Below you'll find a sample program written for my 6802 Nano Computer. Needless to say that the program was written using my SB-Assembler, which is free B.T.W.
I think the program should explain itself.

;  Demo program to interface with the SDA5708-24 alpha numeric display
;  Designed to run on the 6802 Nano computer
;  Author: San Bergmans

                .CR     6800
                .OR     $F000
                .TF     SDA5708.S19,S19,32

;  Declarations

PIA_A           .EQ     $80             PIA Port A data register
PIA_B           .EQ     $81             PIA Port B data register
CON_A           .EQ     $82             PIA Port A control register
CON_B           .EQ     $83             PIA Port B control register

; PIA_A.0 = Display's -Reset line       Output
; PIA_A.1 = Display's -Load line        Output
; PIA_A.2 = Display's Clock line        Output
; PIA_A.3 = Display's Data line         Output

TEMP            .EQ     $00,$01         Used as temporary data register
SHIFT_DATA      .EQ     $00             Data to be shifted out
BIT_COUNT       .EQ     $01             Data bit counter
SAVE_X          .EQ     $02,$03         Location to save the X register
CURSOR          .EQ     $04             Character pointer (0..7)

SDA_BRIGHT      .EQ     %1110.0000      Control word value for brightness

;  FUNCTION  :  Get started

RESET           LDS     #$007F          Initialize the stack

                LDAA    #%0000.0100     PIA_A bits 0..3 are going to be
                STAA    CON_A            outputs. But before we switch mode
                LDAB    #%0000.1111      we must ensure that the data
                STAB    PIA_A            register holds 1's to avoid spikes

                CLRA                    Now it's save to switch from inputs
                STAA    CON_A
                STAB    PIA_A
                LDAA    #%0000.0100     Finally select data register again
                STAA    CON_A

                LDAA    #%1111.1110     Send a -Reset signal to the display
                STAA    PIA_A
                LDAA    #%1111.1111
                STAA    PIA_A

                LDAA    #SDA_BRIGHT     Set preselected display brightness
                JSR     WRITE_DSP

                CLRA                    Reset cursor to 0
                STAA    CURSOR

;  FUNCTION  :  Main program loop

MAIN            LDX     #TEXT           Load text pointer in index register

                LDAA    0,X             Print 1st character
                JSR     ASCII_2_DSP
                LDAA    1,X             Print 2nd character
                JSR     ASCII_2_DSP
                LDAA    2,X             Print 3rd character
                JSR     ASCII_2_DSP
                LDAA    3,X             Print 4th character
                JSR     ASCII_2_DSP
                LDAA    4,X             Print 5th character
                JSR     ASCII_2_DSP
                LDAA    5,X             Print 6th character
                JSR     ASCII_2_DSP
                LDAA    6,X             Print 7th character
                JSR     ASCII_2_DSP
                LDAA    7,X             Print last character
                JSR     ASCII_2_DSP

.4EVER          JMP     .4EVER

TEXT            .AS     "SDA-5708"      This text is displayed!

;  FUNCTION  :  Write 8 bit data in A to display controller

WRITE_DSP       PSHA                    Save affected registers
                STAA    SHIFT_DATA
                LDAB    #8              Setup bit counter
                STAB    BIT_COUNT
                LDAB    PIA_A           Get a copy of current PIA lines
                ANDB    #%1111.1011     Make Clock line low
                STAB    PIA_A
                ANDB    #%1111.1101     Make LOAD line low
                STAB    PIA_A

.LOOP           ORAB    #%0000.1000     In case data must be high
                LSRA    SHIFT_DATA      Get data bit
                BCS     .BIT_HIGH       Data must be high!
                ANDB    #%1111.0111     Make data bit low

                ORAB    #%0000.0100     Pulse clock line high/low
                STAB    PIA_A
                ANDB    #%1111.1011
                STAB    PIA_A
                DEC     BIT_COUNT       Do all bits
                BNE     .LOOP

                ORAB    #%0000.0010     Make LOAD line high again which
                STAB    PIA_A            copies shift register to display
                ORAB    #%0000.1100     Finally make clock+data high
                STAB    PIA_A
                PULB                    Restore affected registers

;  FUNCTION  :  Send ASCII to current digit
;               A = ASCII character
;               CURSOR = Digit to print to
;               CURSOR is incremented afterwards (wraps to 0 after 7)

ASCII_2_DSP     PSHA                    Save affected registers
                STX     SAVE_X
                TAB                     Save ASCII character in B
                LDAA    CURSOR          Setup display pointer
                ORAA    #%1010.0000     Make it a digit selector
                JSR     WRITE_DSP       Send digit address to display

                SUBB    #' '            Table starts at space, skipping the
                CLRA                     control characters
                STAB    TEMP+1          Save Character-" "
                ASLB                    Each table entry is 7 bytes long
                ROLA                     so we must multiply the character
                ASLB                     by 7 before we can use it as index
                SUBB    TEMP+1          We multiplied by 8 instead of 7, so
                SBCA    #0               we'll have to subtract once
                ADDB    #ASCII_TABLE    Add ASCII table offset to the index
                ADCA    /ASCII_TABLE
                STAA    TEMP            Then use it as an index
                STAB    TEMP+1
                LDX     TEMP

                LDAB    #7              Count the number of display rows
.LOOP           LDAA    0,X             Get bit pattern
                JSR     WRITE_DSP        and write it to the display
                INX                     Increment table index
                DECB                    Decrement row pointer
                BNE     .LOOP           Continue until all rows are done

                LDAA    CURSOR          Increment the display's cursor
                INCA                     but limit range from 0 to 7
                ANDA    #%0000.0111
                STAA    CURSOR

                LDX     SAVE_X          Restore the affected registers
                PULB                     again


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                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%00010
                .DA     #%00010
                .DA     #%10010
                .DA     #%01100

                .DA     #%10000         k       $6B
                .DA     #%10000
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10010
                .DA     #%11100
                .DA     #%10010
                .DA     #%10001

                .DA     #%01100         l       $6C
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%01110

                .DA     #%00000         m       $6D
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%11010
                .DA     #%10101
                .DA     #%10101
                .DA     #%10101
                .DA     #%10101

                .DA     #%00000         n       $6E
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%10110
                .DA     #%11001
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10001

                .DA     #%00000         o       $6F
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%01110
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%01110

                .DA     #%00000         p       $70
                .DA     #%11110
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%11001
                .DA     #%10110
                .DA     #%10000
                .DA     #%10000

                .DA     #%00000         q       $71
                .DA     #%01111
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10011
                .DA     #%01101
                .DA     #%00001
                .DA     #%00001

                .DA     #%00000         r       $72
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%10110
                .DA     #%11001
                .DA     #%10000
                .DA     #%10000
                .DA     #%10000

                .DA     #%00000         s       $73
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%01111
                .DA     #%10000
                .DA     #%01110
                .DA     #%00001
                .DA     #%11110

                .DA     #%00100         t       $74
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%01110
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00101
                .DA     #%00010

                .DA     #%00000         u       $75
                .DA     #%00000
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                .DA     #%10001
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                .DA     #%00000         v       $76
                .DA     #%00000
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                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%01010
                .DA     #%00100

                .DA     #%00000         w       $77
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10101
                .DA     #%10101
                .DA     #%01010

                .DA     #%00000         x       $78
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%01010
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%01010
                .DA     #%10001

                .DA     #%00000         y       $79
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%10001
                .DA     #%01111
                .DA     #%00010
                .DA     #%01100

                .DA     #%00000         z       $7A
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%11111
                .DA     #%00010
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%01000
                .DA     #%11111

                .DA     #%00011         {       $7B
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%01000
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00011

                .DA     #%00100         |       $7C
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%00100
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                .DA     #%11000         }       $7D
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00010
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%00100
                .DA     #%11000

                .DA     #%01000         ~       $7E
                .DA     #%10101
                .DA     #%00010
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%00000
                .DA     #%00000

                .DA     #%11111         sqaure  $7F
                .DA     #%11111
                .DA     #%11111
                .DA     #%11111
                .DA     #%11111
                .DA     #%11111
                .DA     #%11111

;  Vectors

                .OR     $FFF8
                .DA     RESET           IRQ     (Not used)
                .DA     RESET           SWI     (Not used)
                .DA     RESET           NMI     (Not used)
                .DA     RESET           Reset

                .LI     OFF

You can download the sda5708.asm program by right clicking on this link or you can copy it from the listing. If you run the program you should be able to see the following message on the display. You could show just about anything on the display with this program, by changing the string on the line starting with the lable TEXT.

That's me